Earn $$ with WidgetBucks!

WidgetBucks Ads Review

WidgetBucks is a relatively new way to monetize your blog. It was launched in the latter stages of 2007 and has quickly become one of the top revenue generating ad services online today.

For those of you that are not familiar with WidgetBucks, this is a quote from their ‘About Us’ page:

“WidgetBucks features pay-per-click shopping widgets that help our customers make money fast. They instantly display the most popular products based on buying trends of 100 million shoppers. Thus they are highly engaging, which means instant dollars for our customers. Our widgets see $3-$6 CPM — pretty good compared to traditional ad networks that deliver less than $2 CPM”

What Is Good About WidgetBucks?

  • Cost Per Click is high compared to similar advertising networks.
  • Easy to create and implement Ads.
  • The Ads are engaging, which leads to a higher CTR.
  • Many people have seen WidgetBucks outperform AdSense.
  • Good statistics reporting.

What Is Bad About WidgetBucks?

  • Statistics are not real time.
  • Categories are limited.


With all that has been said above, given both the Pros and Cons, it all comes down to experience, some people may find the WidgetBucks vastly outperforms AdSense, and I know people who found that to be the case. But I also know others that have had little success with the WidgetBucks Advertising Network. From my experience I am earning well and at the present will be sticking with WidgetBucks on my blogs.

Have you tried WidgetBucks on your blog? If Not then sign up, give it a try. If you have tried it, let us know how it worked for you?

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